In all your years of faithful readership, I don't think I have ever disappointed so heinously before. I apologize. But, things happen. And in fact
This happened...
I'm sad I don't have better pictures, but Kim, Elise, Rach, Chels, and I went down to Las Vegas for Tristram and Emily's wedding. It was SO HOT in Vegas but really fun to gallivant around, we were there for less than 24 hours, and we drove through the night to get home in time for Kim to get a flight to Co Spgs so she could see her brother come home from his mission!
Also, this happened
Besides the obvious fact that my camera broke, I still write for the Universe and it is still time consuming but enlightening. I like it.
This happened
This happened...
I'm sad I don't have better pictures, but Kim, Elise, Rach, Chels, and I went down to Las Vegas for Tristram and Emily's wedding. It was SO HOT in Vegas but really fun to gallivant around, we were there for less than 24 hours, and we drove through the night to get home in time for Kim to get a flight to Co Spgs so she could see her brother come home from his mission!
Also, this happened
Besides the obvious fact that my camera broke, I still write for the Universe and it is still time consuming but enlightening. I like it.
This happened
Brenda wrote all of us letters and sent us Dunk-a-roos. Next thing we know, she showed up in our house and is here with us now, which is one of the most joyous things becuase we have so missed her.
This happened
I started interning with Community Action Services and Food Bank, which is nice, and we did a poverty simulation. Prominent leaders of the community came and adopted a random identity of a person living in poverty. They had some resources and were expected to live out a normal week of poverty in 15 minutes for a total of an hour long month in such a lifestyle. Really eye-opening. Anyway, I was the general employer (people had to come sit at my station for 7 minutes as part of their 15 to represnt a full time job) and I sat next to the mayor.
This happened
Mackenzie's mom came into town and did healing/clearing/cleansing/energy movement stuff to me and Lise.....
This happened
I crashed my road bike. That was, of course, after I had already
sprained my ankle
cut open my toe and
gashed open my finger with a grinder.
This happened
My internship did a 5k and so i was in my element, putting it on for the people. Kim and Mackenzie ran it too! They rocked it.
Don't worry about where that is on my body, just know it is huge and colorful and a result of said bike crash
Long ago
This happened
Mom and Dad and Bum and I went to Arizona for the Whiskey Row races. I ran the marathon and it was the sinlge most beautiful race course I have ever run except only for races cus i have run a lot of other beautiful places just in training. The point is, Bum also ran the half and rocked it! But got a few bad blisters. It was so fun! Uncle Henry and Aunt Marilee were so nice to host us and we did some nice bonding with them. Arizona was beautiful.
We look a lot miserable than we actually were. We were only misrable in that moment for all other moments were immensely enjoyable.
Keep living life to the fullest! THAT is what it is all about! Plus that way I get to pretend I'm having great adventures too.