We have been having such grand adventures!
Last weekend we went to a work party at Billy's supervisor's house (he has 13 kids!!!) and it was great (tons of tongan food!) and made gingerbread houses/hiattlandscapepatio&gazebocombos

Then we went to Monroe! It was so fun and you can read the Carter's blog to know about it. Hot Pot Trot, good food, good bonding and cutest Carter kids. It was so fun, Billy loved Monroe and we will want to come again and again, so thanks for letting us come that time.
Thanksgiving break is now coming to a close, but we had fun while it lasted!
We went fishing.
Last weekend we went to a work party at Billy's supervisor's house (he has 13 kids!!!) and it was great (tons of tongan food!) and made gingerbread houses/hiattlandscapepatio&gazebocombos

Then we went to Monroe! It was so fun and you can read the Carter's blog to know about it. Hot Pot Trot, good food, good bonding and cutest Carter kids. It was so fun, Billy loved Monroe and we will want to come again and again, so thanks for letting us come that time.
Thanksgiving break is now coming to a close, but we had fun while it lasted!
We went fishing.

We had very high hopes becuase we got all these recommendations and promises that we would catch tons from a Grounds guy and we were so pumped.

But the day wore on, and even though the guys in the boat right next to us caught 10 and we even asked them to throw some of the bait they were using to shore so we could use it to (which they did)...

...we still didn't catch anything :( it was pretty sad. But we had fun anyway.
Thanksgiving was great, we went to Rob's house and we stuffed ourselves then played Times Up! It was so funny, I discovered more of the Hiatt hilarity, which is quite hilarious.
Yesterday Billy and I also worked on our cars!

After Billy showed me how on one side, I changed my one brakes on the other!! I was so proud of it, and it was cool too.