Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter Camping!

Even though I'm wearing a skirt cus it's like 50 degrees outside and it's not really winter here like it usually would be at this time of year, we are still having winter-esque adventures! 

Like trail running through the snowy woods, thanks to CJ's awesome Christmas present of yak trak running spikes.

And not exactly winter related, but we did do this puzzle, which was misery for me mostly haha 

and Billy did officially graduate from college! Woo!  

But anyway, the real winter adventure we had was snow camping/backpacking! We just went to the top of Rock Canyon and camped. The hiking up was not so bad at first, 

but when we got to the top, there sure was a lot of snow! You can't really tell in the picture, but there was like 2 feet of snow!  

It was not so bad, even though we did have to stay quite bundled. The sleeping pads we got for Christmas are the bomb-diggity and totally kept us warm even though we were basically sleeping in an igloo. 

haha hideous 

The morning was so very beautiful though! 

Someone before us had built this snowman, but mostly I just wanted the picture for the background. It was so pretty!

Fun! Cold! Joyous! 


  1. Yay Billy, you graduate you!!!! And I think that is one adventure that you could never get Dad to go on. You guys are cwazy!

  2. I want to frame that last picture. It is a great pic of both of you. and you are both cwazy. :)

  3. oh man, that just made me think of the misery we experienced when we went winter camping with you guys. I'm glad that boots helped and that you got to see the beautiful mountains!

  4. YEAH! I'm so glad you used the present! I hope they worked good!
