Sunday, April 18, 2010

Flashes of Finals Week

Here is a flow of images from my final moments at Wyview! Bittersweet, to say the least, but I hope these only make you laugh.
The view outside our window which I've seen every day. I love the pink trees, I know every license plate on all those cars, and I can tell you most of the residents in the windows across the way.
Chalk drawings as a relief from a long day of studying. Don't chalk draw with the resident artist who likes to draw devils and flames (and sculpt seven foot snow seductresses, yeah same one) when you are trying to spread happiness

My food cupboard is slowly diminishing. I'll survive

Textbook sellback money!
I chopped my hair and wake up in the morning thinking... "months ago i would wake up and think...'I live here? And I will live here for the ensuing months?' and now i wake up and think... I have to go live somewhere else? Don't I just live here?"
Messy room. The more I look around, the more I dread packing up. We are quite permanently and comfortably adjusted to living here. Although, the laundry basket on the right is filled with clean, folded clothes that I didn't put away because I didn't see the point, so I've been living out of it.
Someone ding dong ditched us last night and I was expecting you know, like, brownies or something. Nope, huge pan of lo mein noodles from panda express. I did not complain, you saw my food cupboard!
We've had these dead animals in our house the past two weeks as Elise has prepared to use them for her final presentation in English. Oh, the hours of fun you can have with a stuffed otter and lion head!
It's way harder to focus on studying this semester when it is so nice outside! Even when we lay down on the grass to pretend to study, we never get anything done and eventually have to subject ourselves to the shady cage of the library.
A common sight, always staring out the window at our little Wyview world. Why do you think I know all those license plates?

End of the year! Weird.......I just am dreading packing and cleaning, but I got 94 and 95 on my first two finals and the rest are looking up! See you all in a week!


  1. Love the hair!! Love the post!! Love you!! Your dead animals make our squirrel seem normal. Good job on your finals, good luck on the rest and we'll help you tackle the packing and cleaning. We're excited to SEE YOU!!!

  2. 94 and 95? You mak me (very happily) sick! GOOD JOB!! See you ssoooooonnn!!!
