I have to write too creatively too often for school these days, so getting my brain to think of one more creative, original start to a blog is not working. So here are some stories:
Marathon Weekend!
My camera was broken, so I don't have any pictures of the before, but I met with Dad and Bum and the Lindes and we caravanned to St. George where I then met with my peeps and we wandered around Pine Valley for an hour on this death dirt road trying to find a cabin with only a hand drawn map. Hahah it was rough, but we were laughing our heads off and happy when we finally found the cabin and went to bed (even though for most of us that meant we didn't go to sleep till much later becuase we were so excited for the morning!)
I was kind of sad we didn't have the bus ride to the start, but the start was just as exciting without. I was so excited for my friends to just get to run a marathon!! What thrill they must have been experiencing!
It was a good race, and the best part was definitely LaDon joining me at mile 19ish.

I'm so glad MarathonFoto got a picture with both of us (kind of) in it. At this point I am muttering to LaDon in my tired voice "makeahappyface!"

Stories from the race?
I mentally broke the race down into mile chunks and every chunk I would convince myself I was only running that much, so, for example, I would run one mile and say to myself, "1 of 7, 1 of 7" then when the next mile rolled around "2 of 7, 2 of 7." My last chunk was "5 miles of committment" so I did my usual "1 of 5" then "2 of 5" but by the time I got to "5 of 5" I was so delirious I could think of nothing else the whole mile and then the 2 miles after so I just was thinking the whole time "5of5of5of5of5of5of5commitment5of5of5of5of5of5commitement" hahaha
I was initiated.
All my running life I have heard tell of people peeing their pants (or worse) and I always thought it was ridiculous that they couldn't just pull off to the side of the road for just a second to pee. Well, there I was running along at mile 17ish and I took a drink and all of a sudden, without warning and completely unanticipated I just peed my pants!!! I literally had no control! haha. You probably don't want to know the rest of the details, but the same thing happened anytime I even touched water every water stop after that. At one point muttered to LaDon "hey. I peed my pants" haha he just said, "happens."
When I got in the chute afterwards and Kim came in I said, "Kim. I peed my pants" she said, "I did too!" hahahaha We smelt so bad and ended up jumping in a lake so on the drive home the poor people in the backseat downwind from the AC wouldn't suffer anymore.
Speaking of Kim

She is a stud and ran the marathon SO FAST! I expected her to run a 4:20 and also to finish last of all our friends,but no!!! She finished in 3:59:12 AND she beat 3 of our other friends! I seriously was SO SO proud of Kim. She is a stud and we had such a good time training all summer.
Marathon was GREAT! I am running another one on November 19th!
In other news:
Fall has come and gone. I went to ride the ski lifts at Sundance to see the leaves, but no they were closed for weather (ironic? I think so) So we took a hike instead and it was beautiful!
Also, Sarah was in town and so we put on a double date and we told the boys to dress up in their dapper Englsih garb and we had a picnic...in the Grounds Office!!! It was so quaint, endearing and wonderful. And the boys were good sports, so that made it fun too.

Sarah's gone by the way. I may not potentially see her for THREE YEARS, but regardless, one and a half is long enough. It still hasn't hit me, but yikes!! That's a long time to be parted from someone I've been with my whole life! :(
Also, The Homecoming Parade!
We woked in the office all week long to make this beauty of a float:

When I got the invoice for an inflatable cougar I was thinking life size--I certainly didn't expect mass inflatable structure of gerbil-like characteristics. Haha but Roy was of course thrilled becuase we won the "Grand Marshall" something or other award. Oh, Roy...
2ft. Prosthetics marched in the parade! We were just going to march, but at the very last second one of my friends said we could use his convertible for music. haha what the random? It was awesome!
Summer marched in the parade too, with the llama people. Hahah it was fun becuase our float and theirs actually ended up right next to each other in the line-up. Weird!
But it was so fun! I've never been in a parade and we just marched along and walking by our house was the best becuase I got to see my peeps.
We had legs with sockets as donation bowls on top and we all just carried legs. Thank you to mom for the awesome banner! haha I just kept thinking, "Who knew I would ever be walking through the streets of Provo holding a PVC leg and yelling "Prosthetics! yay Prosthetics!"? I also kept thinking "Last time I was going down a street lined with people I may have been moving slow, but I was still moving a lot faster than this!" It was almost aggravating, but fun nonetheless. And we actually got some good donations!
That is not it, but that is all the pictures I have and I will just sum the rest by saying life is good and busier than a nutcase, but I am one so all is well. It is cold in Provo and that makes me sad, but I have the goodness of job, roommates, runningness, calling and sisterhood.
One more thing: I am in a memoir class where I have to write a blog post every day (every day, people!) with various stories from my past. I never run out of good ones to write about, but if you have a favorite memory/Krista story/your story/Roy story you'd like preserved in writing, tell me and I will write it!
That's all. Go Cougs!