Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fall Fell

We are done! Hooray! Finals are over for both of us and now we are just going to work and play all break long and watch Moon Rise Kindgom (which we haven't actually done yet).

What we have done, however, is shown below.

Billy helped make this sweet wall!

He said he can't take full credit for the stairs but that he did cap all of them and the whole wall so that's cool

And he made this entire corner by himself. And just generally helped with the whole wall. Pretty sweet, project eh? I think it turned out sweet in the end.  

Meanwhile, I was working my brains out on this huge project for BYU Radio that we've been working on all semester. I have been highly fortunate to have very dedicated groups my entire time in the PR program, but this group was TERRIBLE and I think I did more work than was fair. But. Oh well.

When I was a sophomore we did a PR campaign thing and my group was just so proud about the 20 pages we pieced together. I look back on that and almost scoff.

This bad boy was 100 pages long! (we had to have 3 copies of it) but yeah, i designed that cover and the whole thing and it was fun to use indesign but also took a ton of time to piece together all that research and make sure it made sense and was easy enough for the client to understand.

Billy wasn't sure what to think...

...he's still trying to figure it out haha....
Maybe now that finals are over we can finally put up some Christmas decorations! Hooray!

Goodbye, last fall semester of college I will ever see!
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  1. Yay! Way to finish finals!! That project looks incredible! I want to see it. Billy, what an amazing project too! I've never seen any of your projects. I'd hire you!

  2. Kris! Good job! And billy, sweet wall! We want to see it in real life. I like your decorations too!

  3. Way to go Hiatts! Congrats on all the great doings. Sounds like a bike ride is in order to celebrate!

  4. Horray Krista and Billy -- good job and congrats!

    Love, Dad

  5. good banner!! (Haha, in my head I just realized that I commented on a sign that included two words in stead of commenting on 3 books that were 100 pages! Good job on both!)

  6. hooray for moonrise kingdom! haha
