Thursday, June 11, 2015

Closing, Camping, Cool Childhood Kids!

Here is the brief recap: 

We did close on our house!
Yay being in debt and owning a house that we have since proceeded to tear apart! It's fun to be a kid pretending to be an adult!

We did go camping with Summer and Andy and Eliana! 

Eliana was the camping champ! She did so good! And we had so much fun eating doritos and brats and stuff like that. We will miss the Perezes so so much.  

We did have a reunion with our favorite childhood people! Such dear girls. I will never consider any dearer. These peeps take up more space in my heart than many other people in this world. We have had such times! We will be friends forever. I'm so grateful.  

We did explore our canyon and it was glorious. We are moving into the mountains, people! The drive may be long and you may not have cell service while you're there, but it will be worth the joy to your soul to visit us!

Also, other mountains that I hiked upon. 

That is it! 


  1. Good things all around! And I can attest that the drive to the Hiatts IS SO WORTH IT!! And it's not that long and it's great not having cell service!

  2. How fun! I can't wait to see your house in real REAL life! (for a second I thought that pic was a pic of your house, and I was thinking that I couldn't remember where you had tile and stairs like that and a posterboard. hahaha)
