Monday, October 19, 2015

Billy just keeps doing cool projects

So here are more pictures of them!

He cut down the trees on the side of our house that were dying and tilting. We feared they would fall once the snow came so he chopped 'em. It was a success!

This is the house without the trees on the side anymore. But you can't really tell the difference if you didn't know what it looked like before. 

M&D came and chopped a bunch of the wood and tidied it up

And now Billy is in the process of splitting it all so we can use it in our fireplace or camping trips!

Also, he finished all the pavers he was doing at BYU

And here's pictures of his latest and sweetest paver project. It's up in Sundance and it is rad. 

We thought we lived in sweet mountains! This place is so cool and in such a pretty location. He has loved working up there, especially since the pavers he is laying are so sweet.

That's all for Billy! He is working, as ever, like a champ!


  1. Cool paver projects! And the Sundance one is heated?!

  2. Cool paver projects! And the Sundance one is heated?!

  3. He is a champ! I can't believe he just used that tall Crane and came out alive! Cranes are the worst! (even though that technically isn't a crane...still falls in the category where I don't like them)
