Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Before Hawaii

November still had some good adventures even before Hawaii!

We went fishing with M&D at Strawberry cus it was supposedly the best in the state. Well we got skunked!! Minus one accidental catch of a one-clawed crawdad, which then became bait. It was still fun!

We babysat for the Lindes at M&D's and that was fun too. 

Truman had crazy mullet Ace Ventura hair

So I gave him a haircut

And this is what I gave my VT peep haha kinda dorky but I felt proud of thinking of something crafty on my own. and actually pulling it off with limited resources. 

Then Hawaii!


  1. Oh, I would have cried if I had to cut my childs hair...which will happen some day, but still. And nice turkeys. I would have been stocked to get one of those! So cute.

  2. Strawberry was the least hot place in the state in more ways than one! Love the Peachurkey!

  3. good haircut!! It is not easy to do! And you did an amazing job!
