Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Halloween was a joyous experience! Our stake had a dance and of course it was a costume dance and we racked our brains to think of a set of four somethings we could be together and we couldn't think of anything and then Elise got pharyngitis so she couldn't even come with us but we adopted Chay but then we still were in trouble, but we went to DI to see if we could find some good stuff and we were casually passing by a huge rack of hideous and ginormous denim dresses with one boy when Rach had the brilliant idea.... Let's be POLYGAMISTS!!!!
HAHA! She has a high strung concsience but most of the good ideas that set off consciences like hers, so of course we then had to convince her that it wasn't offensive and rather actually quite hilarious then went right to town!!
This is just a wonderful picture becuase the twins have neer looked so similar, and in such an angry way!

Can't you just not wait till this moment is real for any set of sisters in the world?

I was inspired to use my moshi pillow as my belly like Jamie did when she was Kevin. Hahaha. "Training was AWFUL!" I definitely had the biggest and most lopsided belly. But I was also wearing a circus tent, so that was fine.

Our happy family. Hahha! The boy's name is even Brigham, so that just seems too perfect. Other highlights of this story not displayed fully in the pictures; my hair has never been so high!!! We were wearing braids which you can't see in the back. Dancing with a pregnant belly offers both the most sweat i've ever experienced on my midriff and an extended Book of Mormon space between my dance partner and I. A billion random people wanted to take our picture, though the stake presidency member seemed only slightly amused. Some girl told us we looked like she could see us in the Wal-Mart in St. George! We all gave birth at the dance once the heat became unbearable. And towards the end they announced the winners of the costume contest and Bo Peep won cutest and the chicken won most original and the Joker won the scariest and every time they announced something and we didn't win, the people around us were like.. "what about the polygamists!" And then they announced the Best Overall, and we were so sad when it the Three Amigos and not us, but then I saw the girl had one more sheet and it was us! And we won best costume overall, but she saved us for last, so does that make us better? That's the joyous Halloween story, thanks for listening!


  1. A-Your hair alone qualifies for best costume overall, best use of a live animal and scariest!!!
    B-Have the twins been observing Brooke's fashion trend with the boots?
    C-It's odd how your "existing children" are brunettes and naked. Seems like Brigham might have a mistress on the side?
    D-With such beautiful, yet moody wives why isn't Brigham smiling wildly?
    E-Can I have the dress when you done???? hahaha


  3. lol. we pretty much don't even know what to say!

  4. Kristamo: This is a great blog! Thanks so much for keeping us in the loop of your life. I would make more comments, but I don't know how. Mom had to help me with this one. Love, Dad.

  5. This is horribly horribly wonderful. I'm still cracking up. I think I'm gonna have to go look again :).

    And thanks again for our fun lunch! It was so awesome to see you guys.
