Some brief overview...
I also participated in all the Pioneer Day festivities (holy cow, Pioneer Day is literally a bigger deal than 4th of July in Utah.) My roommates and I competed against a bunch of 5 year olds in a watermelon eating contest and got slaughtered.
Next week is my last week of sports camps and last week was a great one, as exhibited in the below picture of the more than likely illegal activity, Mattress Dominoes.
But a huge hit (punintended) and you got to do what you got to do.
In other news:
I seriously am so happy! And remember that summer mom came to visit Char and she said every time Char sat down, she would fall asleep? Now I know why! I am so tired, but so joyous!
The temple reopened! The only difference I noticed for all those weeks of refurbishment was new curtains in the shower, but it was as wonderful as always if not more so considering the lengthy separation factor.
I ran a 10k last weekend and my training seems to be doing me good. And oh, training! I do oh so very much of it, but I love it and have had many adventures running around and out past Provo!
Today I went to volunteer at the MTC. OH MY WORD! a) I felt like I was entering a secret sanctum, turns out it's just a mini BYU campus b) I feared seeing anyone I knew at any turn so when I actually did, I was prepared with just a handshake c) I went with my friend who served in Cambodia so we volunteered with the Cambodian missionaries and I had no idea what they were saying, all I know is they sounded like they were bouncing on trampolines and chewing on rubber the whole time! d) It reminded me all very much of those dreaded nights when we had the missionaries scheduled for dinner but e) it was more awesome because I saw first hand what exactly these missionaries do and holy cow they are good, brave, cool souls!
And so. Onward, ever onward! Fatigue. And Fun. That's all :)