This blog is for two people I really should sit down and write a book about, but I suppose a post will suffice.
The first is Sarah, aka Sar to some, aka Sarahho to most, aka Bob, Firefly, Kipper, etc. etc. etc.
Sarah and I went down to the ever famous "CABIN" this weekend! Yes, the Cabin that took on a secretive, magical meaning for most of my childhood becuase when Sarah wasn't with me, she was always running off to this mysterious place, "the cabin." Rest of you Roys can sympathize i'm sure!
We decided it was a collision of childhoods because of the very fact that she lead one childhood at the Cabin and one with me and there I was, face to face with her other joyous kingdom!
The Griggs were the best hosts ever, and oh man I can't wait till we're all together again so I can tell you the best Griggs stories ever!
Needless to say, Sarah=Best Friend. I'm so lucky
Ok, the other soul is Taryn!!! Aka funniest-person-ever-how-the-heck-did-i-get-so-lucky-to-have-such-a-friend-because-no-one-in-their-sane-mind-would-ever-put-us-together-but-childhood-and-growing-up-together-lets-magical-insane-things-happen!
Taryn came to work sports camps this week and we stayed on the same floor. One afternoon she was sitting in her room with Amanda Hy-att (another joyous soul) and another counselor when, unbeknownst to them, I entered the hallway. Something about those empty hallways with the doors lined up makes me want to just make a loud noise and so i. did. Just, walking down the hall, by myself, making noise that may defined as a moose call or a scream of death or something. Soon thereafter Taryn and her cronies stuck their heads out the door laughing their heads off, catching me in my weird urge and Taryn told me that when she heard that noise, she just looked at the other two girls and said, "That was Krista!" And it was! Oh Taryn, how bonded we are!
In any case, Taryn is wonderful, i was reminded all so vividly of that this week. If you need proof, reminisce further in this glimpse from long ago childhood
So since most of you know the joy of our little Gem Streets friendship (sorry to my newer readers--if you even survived to this far in the post--for not knowing) just thought I'd remind you all how magical it was. and is. Oh, Ebullience!
Thank goodness for class early dismissal. It means fun for ALL!!! Let's hear it (mooses style) for the Gem street Babushkas!!!
ReplyDeleteoh goodness! that one made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteand fyi: the cabin is still this mysterious, mystical place to me. but....maybe it's real with some of those pictures. i'm not sure that it really exists.
do you remember when taryn got her hair/braid/bead thing stuck in the fence and then RIPPED right out of her head?? HAHA that was so funny.
Man, I was just thinking about childhood on Topaz yesterday and I thought something really funny about Taryn, but I totally can't remember what it was. either way, they are both hilarious.