Friday, October 3, 2014

One Huge Job

This was Billy's hugest job ever. And it was cray-zee. The homeowner had Billy do a little job for him last summer and when Billy contacted him again this summer about a bid he had mentioned for the backyard, Billy totally won it! Or most of it, anyway, a different friend of the client did all the excavation and rock work first. 

I was also so proud of Billy for this job because he very well could've and very much wanted to do the whole thing, but because school was going to start shortly after the job itself, it wouldn't be possible unless he put school (and thus, graduation) off for another semester. Tough choice when this awesome job/career is going great and school seems lame! But Billy was brave enough to sub contract part of his awesome job out to Rob and now he did the coolest parts of a sweet job and will still graduate on time (so he never has to deal with that problem again!) 

Shout out to Rob, too, whose wife had her fifth baby in the middle of the most stressful deadlines on this job. Crazy time. 

Anyway, good job to Billy! The homeowner is also SO pumped and so we are pretty happy. Billy's main contributions were the two paver patios, the step down to the new door, the awesome water feature and the additional rock walls on the side and back of the yard. All the cool stuff:)

Thank you, Andy. 

Thank you, LaDon. 

Thank you for visiting, Lindes. 

Of course so tired. I would be too! In fact, one day I tried to help Billy work by cutting pavers, but that job is much harder than it seems and I ended up taking a nap in the bobcat instead while he cut in the rest of the patio. haha.

It's amazing the transformation these landscapes undergo, and I am just always amazed that it is at the hands of my own husband! Crazy, hard work people. And thank you to everyone who saved our bums by helping on random Saturdays and stuff. You deserve a nap in the bobcat!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot not even BEGIN to fathom all of the hard work that Billy did to finish this, and it looks absolutely incredible! Great work! And what a great project to add to his portfolio of awesomness!
