Saturday, September 5, 2015

Billy's Projects

Man, what a summer (so far) for Billy/East Ridge! He did so good taking on big projects, managing two crews and still coming home early and staying home on Saturdays for me. I am proud and he is tired. Also, he had some awesome employees that made all the difference. 

These are in no particular order, but Char says she likes to see such things, so here are some of Billy's projects at various stages throughout the summer. 

This was last year's "natural yard" project that he did in Provo. It looks so sweet after just one year of growth. 

These are his guys (minus Melvin). He took them boating.

Now he's doing some contract paver work for BYU and it is a blessing. 

Goooo Billy!! You are a champ!


  1. Way to go Billy. The best is the pic of the guys with their "Eastridge" matching tans. hahaha

  2. Champion work, Billy!! How does it do it?? He is so great! Also, I love the farmers tan pic. hilariousness.

  3. Yeah billy! Come do my backyard! We can pay you in the form of illustration work or teaching your child home ec! Ha
