Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Here I Am!

Because I really did cherish CJ's great college advice, I have started a blog since that was her #4 piece of advice. It will probably be updated about as often and consistently as Charina's! But, here, at least, is a brief synopsis of my BYU life thus far; certainly not all inclusive, but at least highlighting some good parts!

My roommate Elise! I got 3 GREAT roommates and I didn't have a picture of the Rachel and Chelsea, but know they are wonderful and squeal a lot! We are loud, authentic girls, all of us together!

The lighting is really poor on this picture, but here are about 90 name tags of mine from all the ward things I've attended. We even wear nametags to church! It's really helpful, but also just funny to me that everywhere I go I need a nametag!

Two lessons I've already learned: 1) The parking lots in Wyview are all very much downhill
2) When you buy a bag of peaches from the fruit stand, don't keep it in the paper bag and expect to carry it home on your bike. When you go over the Wyview parking lot speed bumps, they will spill everywhere and quickly roll down the downhill Wyview parking lots. If you are lucky, the car driving buy will charitably give you a BYU bookstore bag to put your asphalt impaled peaches in so you can go the extra 5 feet you had left till you go to your apartment!

This is a nice lanyard. I once had a whole trashload of keys on their at home, but since I only had a house key out here, the lanyard was just extraneous baggage when i ran out the door to go to the OU football game. (WE WON BY THE WAY!) Don't take your key off your lanyard and out it in your pocket if you are expecting to jump up and down University Ave all the way home from such a victory. You will not be in possession of your key much longer. Or thirty dollars much longer after that.

My tap dance shoes! Can you say life dream fulfilled?

I can't!!! I'm the worst tap dancer in the whole class and i really struggle with the moves and my teacher goes really fast and it is hard, hard, hard. But it's really fun, and it's a life dream; if I can pray around a flag pole, wear a skirt to school, stick some gum under a desk, and run up Pikes Peak, I can learn how to tap dance!

So there you have it! Who knows what's to come, but I hope you can enjoy whatever does on this blog!


  1. Pis! Those peaches are to be cherished! Not vaulted down a parking lot! They are so good I bet they still taste amazing even with the asUHphalt.

  2. LOL! that peach story was too funny. don't you know how precious those peaches are!? i will probably never have one again in my life! assAphalt.

  3. Oh Krista, thank you for taking my advice! Advice number 5, Charina, listen to this too, update this more often than Charina's!! What a wonderful BYU expereince! Tap dancing is the greatest! And I'm sure the peaches tasted even better knowing that there was just asphault in them. Since no one knows what asUHphalt is.
    And mom posted a comment on my computer, but I ruined it somehow when I came on to the computer, so just know mom loves this blog too.
