Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why I Love BYU

(Rach and Chels, if you're looking for your surprise, it's down one blog. Sorry)

Ok, this is seriously the best thing I have ever ever ever seen. If you have a spare 40 minutes, need an ab workout, and want some good feelings of unity and pride, read this article and then click on the link within it that says Your epic Facebook comment thread is on ESPN.

Therein you will find joy and MUCH laughter.


  1. OH man.. I read some of it...not all of it. but a chunk of it. I love how BYU is hiliarous. (even though I had a dream last night that Y moutain turned into a volcano!!)

  2. Jimmer's awesome, he can shoot, he can score but can he run?

  3. Oh man, I saw this story on the news when it broke, then Eric came home from work and told me he'd heard about it, so we went on and read the comments on that for an hour DYING laughing (and I was really dying, becasue I was sick you know, and you know what happens when you laugh and you're sick...imagine Grandma playing Catch Phrase!!)
