Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh dear...

I'm just posting this because I haven't posted for a long time but I have a BILLION good blogs to make and NO time to sit down and perfect them. With that prospect in mind, maybe this mediocre performance of rather awkward spasticness will tide us all over. Why I let myself be like this in public or why my classmates thought I was the one to represent them at this showcase, I'll never know, but enjoy. Dad, for one, I know, has been greatly anticipating this for some time (Haha... sorry, dad...)

Haha if it's not quite clear, when I walk to the side of the boy cut out, i'm talking from the boy's perspective and same for the girl cut out.

But seriously, be excited for the next string of blogs--you will like them!


  1. hahahaha the beginning sounded way familiar! :) hahaha way to go Krista, way to go!

  2. Krista, I stood and cheered! What an awesome speech and great encapsulation of a funny little human ritual. Super awesome all the way from start to finish. Great great great great work! I loved it! I wish I was still teaching speech class so I could show 'em how it's done. Good job little pup! Love, Dad

  3. Oh Krista that was so wonderful!! Eric and I loved it!!! You are so clever and great! we were glad to see you this weekend...sorry it was boring and crazy, but we love to just be in your presence anyway!!
