I went to ZIONS! There is a canyon within that is so cool and so coveted that you have to get permits the day before to go in and they only give out so many, but the dad of the girl who invited me got permits for 8 of us and we went joyously galavanting in the Subway!!! IT WAS AMAZING! There were pools and boulders and caves and narrows and water and tree branches and rapelling and all of the wonderful things that are great about canyons and it was SO gorgeous. I had so much fun, and we spent the rest of our stay in her paradisical cabin in the midst of these beautiful towering aspens. It was so great! (Sorry the pics are not so good, i screen shot them off facebook and that's as ambitious as i got) (No matter, even a high quality picture would have failed to do this place justice!)

Here are some action shots of CJ calling out raffle winners, which was expertly done and cleverly performed, so I loved every minute of it.
Upon returning to Provo, we experienced a series of torrential downpours, which left our already moist city in a state of overflowing liquid.
In other news, and speaking of news, 2ft. Prosthetics was on CNN!!!! As in, we made national news! The story can be found in the post beneath this one.
Easily the highlight of my week was the galavant Kim and I took into the mountains on Friday night-- we brought hammocks and ran up into Rock Canyon a ways and set up camp for the night. I slept in a hammock!!! It was so so so wonderful and free bird.
Also exciting is the approaching ward activity we have, which has been in the works for weeks. It's a 3 day boating trip, but I wanted to think of an awesome name for it that we could just use for ads and announcements and general bonding of rallying around a cool name. I thought, but I entirely attribute this idea to CJ- she suggested I make a descriptive sentence of the activity and take the first letters to make a word. My president Allie and I then came up with
Adventure with
Food and
or, as now commonly known and thrown casually around the YSA 18th ward,
It is a glorious thing, which i love, and I am in charge of advertising, which has been the most fun thing ever--today at church I wrote MEBATEFL! on a bunch of little slips of paper and put them in all the hymn books on the hymn we were singing. Hahahaha, what a joyous surprise!
That's all. Sorry if this post was overwhelmingly excited or joyful, but it directly reflects my state of existence at this time, so onward!
Oh yes, and one month till THE ASCENT!!!! Much excitement!