Monday, February 11, 2013


I LOVE keyboard shortcuts!

Three years in an office has taught me to be very efficient on my keyboard. Because I love them so much, here is a list of a few of my favorites.

Ctrl + c copy
ctrl + x cut
Ctrl + v paste
Ctrl + b bold
Ctrl + i italics
Ctrl + u underline
Ctrl + p print
Ctrl + z  undo
Ctrl + e center 
Ctrl + l left justify
Ctrl + r right justify
Shift + Tab Go backwards one
Shift + arrow highlight text
Shift + [ font size increase
Shift + ]  font size decrease
Shift + F3 Switch between lowercase, title case, uppercase
You may already know these, but that also means you know how much you love them!

Also, as a side note, I wish I could do a whole day on how much I LOVE excel! I'm not as good as maybe LaDon or other accountants, but I'm pretty good. I love excel.


  1. I love keyboard shortcuts too! THey are fantastic! Thanks for listing more! I didn't know all of them!

  2. Man, I had know idea! See what a college education will get you!
