Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I do LOVE a good pun.

Everything from "Iris gonna pray..." to "He had hey-hey fever!" I love them! They're the fondness of my childhood and I still appreciate them, especially the superiorly clever ones that are so good they catch me off guard. 

Last night Billy was watching the study video for his finance class. I used to watch the same type of videos for my accounting class so we were talking about the two fields of study and how we didn't really have fondness towards either of them and such. 

Billy asked, "If someone who studies accounting is called an accountant, what is someone who studies finance?"

We pondered the thought for awhile and I couldn't think of anything and so said, "I don't know, a financer?"

Billy's response: "Hm. That's a fine answer!"


  1. HAHAHA...I LOVE that one!Good one Billy!!! I don't know if this is a pun, but I'll always love, "I STRESS OUT!" (Ice chest out...incase you forgot)

  2. HAHAHA! Billy is awesome. That is so dear.
